Easy to Understand

translated visualy

Hundreds of Images

for Ages 2+


In this fourth issue of the Electromotive Force Review, we will see what Nikola Tesla chose to share with the public one year after his lecture delivered before the Institution of Electrical Engineers at London in 1892.

“On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena” presented before the Franklin Institute and the National Electric Light Association is a brilliant and comprehensive overview on the phenomena of heat and its relationship to convection and bombardment. This lecture is now re-illustrated with computer renderings and physical reproductions of these famous electrical phenomena at our Providence laboratory. The renderings of the bulbs and their associated effects were produced in Blender, a free and open source 3D creation suite. I deeply extend my gratitude to the Blender community who enabled me the tools to reproduce the studies depicted in this lecture. I also extend my greatest gratitude to Mr. Ernst Willem van den Bergh for guiding me in my efforts to build working reproductions of the experiments described here in this lecture.

I want to inspire similar minds, dispel the mysteries of our universe and “increase human energy”. No one can tell you what to believe, you get to decide that for yourself.

To go into the future, we must first go back.

-Kyle Longean Dell’Aquila